Having curtains in your home increases depression in individuals. Curtains do many things, for example, they can help isolate a room. One of the main uses of curtains, other than for decoration,  is to reduce the amount of light that beams through windows in one’s home. This leads to a colder environment due to the low amount of heat from the sunlight that has been cut off. Individuals become chilled and tend to cover up with thick, warm blankets as they sit in silence. The silence leads to fear which soon causes the individual to feel alone in what seems like a small, empty room. Individuals then get sleepier and become less energetic causing them to remain alone in the room covered in curtains. Due to the minimum amount of light exposure, the room is dark and gloomy. The individual slowly begins to doze off and is soon in deep sleep. When morning comes around the sunlight fails to seep through the curtains which then fails to acknowledge the individual that a new day has begun. The individual remains asleep throughout the rest of the day and when suddenly woken up, night time has come around again. Now the individual has nothing to do with anyone because they have wasted their daytime sleeping. They decide to go back to sleep in this dark, cold room due to the fact that they have nothing to do, and with no hesitation, this soon becomes a routine. Now the individual is sad and lonely because they refuse to remove the curtains from their home. The removal of these curtains would help the individual realize the difference between daytime and nighttime so they could go out and participate in community activities. Since the individual decided to put up curtains in their home, the individual is now depressed.

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