Chris Greicius Celebrity Award

What began in the 1990s and till this day continues to reach out to the community is an award known as the “Chris Greicius Celebrity Award”. The Chris Greicius Celebrity Award is named after Chris Greicius, a seven-year-old boy who inspired to become a police officer. This award is given to those individuals who unlike others, uniquely deliver unforgettable wishes while also using their celebrity platform to increase the awareness and fundraising efforts for one of the worlds largest granting organizations. In 2017 the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted over 15,400 wishes with more than 1,000 of them being celebrities. Celebrities have persuaded and encouraged and inspired the community to put their actions forth and make not only their community but the world as a whole a better place. Announced as the 2018 recipients of the Annual Award included Gordon Ramsay, Michelle Wilson, Rosanna Pansino and Stephen Curry. Gordon Ramsay granted the most wishes within a 24 hour period by confirming 32 wishes with the help of his celebrity friends. John Cena was also among those nominated for the Chris Greicius Celebrity Award. Since 2004 John Cena has granted 147 wishes. Cena now serves as a Wish Ambassador for the Make-A-Wish Foundation supporting its goal to increase the wish-granting efforts to children around the world. Shaina Reeser states, “Wishes allow children with critical illness to replace fear with confidence, anxiety with hope and sadness with joy… and they wouldn’t be possible without the help of these wish granters and other supporters nationwide.”.


“Make-A-Wish Foundation Honors John Cena.”WWE Community,

“Make-A-Wish® Honors Four Renowned Wish Granters with the Chris Greicius Celebrity Award.”Make-A-Wish® America,



Having curtains in your home increases depression in individuals. Curtains do many things, for example, they can help isolate a room. One of the main uses of curtains, other than for decoration,  is to reduce the amount of light that beams through windows in one’s home. This leads to a colder environment due to the low amount of heat from the sunlight that has been cut off. Individuals become chilled and tend to cover up with thick, warm blankets as they sit in silence. The silence leads to fear which soon causes the individual to feel alone in what seems like a small, empty room. Individuals then get sleepier and become less energetic causing them to remain alone in the room covered in curtains. Due to the minimum amount of light exposure, the room is dark and gloomy. The individual slowly begins to doze off and is soon in deep sleep. When morning comes around the sunlight fails to seep through the curtains which then fails to acknowledge the individual that a new day has begun. The individual remains asleep throughout the rest of the day and when suddenly woken up, night time has come around again. Now the individual has nothing to do with anyone because they have wasted their daytime sleeping. They decide to go back to sleep in this dark, cold room due to the fact that they have nothing to do, and with no hesitation, this soon becomes a routine. Now the individual is sad and lonely because they refuse to remove the curtains from their home. The removal of these curtains would help the individual realize the difference between daytime and nighttime so they could go out and participate in community activities. Since the individual decided to put up curtains in their home, the individual is now depressed.

The hippocampus is like a flash drive.

Image result for hippocampus function

The hippocampus is an important part of the brain. It is a small, curved organ located within the brain’s temporal lobe that plays a significant role in the limbic system. The hippocampus is associated mainly with memory and plays a critical part in the formation, organization, and storage of these memories. You can imagine the hippocampus as a flash drive, a device used to store data. Flash drives obtain the power to operate from the device to which they are connected to which is typically a computer. The temporal lobe is like the computer for the hippocampus, forming its conscious memories that are eventually stored. Not only does the hippocampus assist with the storage of memories, but it’s also responsible for memorizing the location of objects and people. There are two types of memories that the hippocampus helps humans process and retrieve, declarative and procedural. Declarative memories are those related to facts and events while procedural memories involve knowing how things are done. Damage to any part of the hippocampus can lead to difficulty in establishing new memories and loss of previous memories. As for the flash drive, any sort of damage to it can also result in the loss of its stored information.


Cherry, Kendra, and Steven Gans. “How Important Is the Hippocampus in the Brain?”Verywell Mind, Dotdash,

Anissimov, Michael, and Niki Foster. “What Is the Hippocampus?” WiseGEEK, Conjecture Corporation, 11 Feb. 2019,

Would you allow John Cena to be your child’s teacher?

Image result for john cena full name

John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. is a professional wrestler for WWE who has won a total of 17 championships, including 10 world titles, going down in history as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. John Cena began lifting weights in high school to protect himself from being bullied by his peers. After getting through high school he went to Springfield College where he played division three football. Cena was selected for the All American football team but he knew he wasn’t fit for that career path. Once he graduated from college he moved out of his parent’s house and traveled to California where he lived in his car for several months to pursue his dream career of becoming a professional bodybuilder. 

John Cena not only wrestled, but he also came out with his own rap album in 2005 called “You Can’t See Me” that sold 143,000 copies in only the first week. John Cena has also been in many films including The Marines, 12 Rounds, Trainwreck and The Fred Movie. He is currently the host of a reality TV show called “American Grit”, where contestants have to motivate themselves to their physical limits. John Cena explains that the reasoning behind this show is not only to help the contestants but also to help himself. He believes that motivation and drive not only through himself but through the help from others made him the person he is today. 

In 2009 John Cena was awarded the Chris Greicius Celebrity Award for his selflessness and dedication to the Foundation’s mission. He is the current record holder with the Make-A-Wish foundation, having granted over 400 wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. The majority of John Cena’s audience are young boys and he works hard to inspire these kids in everything he does. John Cena has shown how hard work, motivation, love, and respect can help you achieve your goals in life. Thus, I would proudly give my children the amazing opportunity of being educated by this successful and respectful individual.


20 Jobs That Will Be Replaced by Technology

Empire. “John Cena.” Empire, Empire,

“John Cena.”, A&E Networks Television, 30 July 2018,